Brokeback Mountain is an American romance film directed by Ang Lee in 2005, adapted from Annie Proulx's 1997 short story of the same name, written by Ossana and Larry McMurtry. The movie was warmly applaused by movie viewers and critics, won at many cinametic awards on best movie and best director catergories.
The film depicts the complex emotional and sexual relationship between two Western cowboys in the United States, Enniss Del Mar (actor Heath Ledger) and Jack Twist (actor Jake Gyllenhaal) from 1963 to 1983. They met and felt in love with each other on the Brokeback mountain when shepherding sheeps together. Later, they both married to other girls and had children, each with different life conditions, but still dedicated passionate love to each other until the end of their life.
Brokeback Mountain earned $ 178 million worldwide in revenue, despite some restrictions on its distribution internationally, at a small production budget of $14 million.
Losing at Oscar for best movie catergory, it sparked sadness and strong criticism from fans and the mass media. In contrast, the sexual orientation of the characters in the film has been a topic of hot debate, Brokeback Mountain is also considered a stepping stone for gay-themed films to enter the mainstream cinema. 13 years later, a similar movie titled "Call me by your name" made the same success at biggest film awards.
In 2008, three years after the film's release, actor Heath Ledger, who played Ennis, died of a drug shock, resulting in endless grief for fans. Of the two gay cowboys in romance on screen, Jack died in the film, and Ennis died in his real life.
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